Dance Opportunities
Choreographic Review
Students will be invited to participate in a Choreographic Review performance at the end of Term 1. This allows the students an opportunity to create and then perform their own dance choreography in any style that they wish. The dancer can perform by themselves (solo), with a friend (due) or two (trio) or more. Where more than one dancer is performing, we encourage creative input from all participants.
Dance examinations are not compulsory; however they do provide the student with a goal as well as a formal assessment of the student’s development. Please discuss with Miss Michelle if you wish to work towards this aim. To be eligible to be considered for Cecchetti Ballet Grade examinations, students must be taking a minimum of 2 ballet classes per week. To be eligible to be considered for Cecchetti Ballet Major examinations, students must be taking a minimum of 3 ballet classes per week.
Michelle’s School of Dance teaches the Cecchetti Method of Ballet and the Australian Teachers of Dancing syllabi for Contemporary, Tap, Jazz and Hip Hop. Examinations are available at many levels. For further information on the dance styles, speak with Miss Michelle or see for the Cecchetti Method or for the Australian Teachers of Dancing.
Open Days
The dance classes are open for family to view the student’s progress once a month. Viewing can be taken at the student’s first class of each calendar month. All visitors must comply with our COVID Safe Plan.
Annual Concert / Demonstration Day
Students will be invited to participate in an end of year concert to celebrate and display what they have learnt throughout the year. This also enables the students to gain stagecraft and performing experience. If you or your child do not wish to participate or will be away during November, please inform Miss Michelle as soon as possible.
Bring a Friend or Family Member Classes
The last 2 weeks of term 4 after the concert the students are invited to bring a friend or a family member to join them in each of their classes. During these classes, it is free dress for the students and their guests including costumes, fairy wings etc.
About Us
MLV Dancers is a dance school with classes for both children and adults in a variety of styles and range of abilities. Classes include Classical Ballet – Cecchetti Method, Tap Dance, Hip Hop, Jazz/Modern/Funk, Contemporary Dance, Hatha Yoga, meditation and relaxation.
Contact Us
Arts Centre: 1-3 Bowmore Ave, Park Orchards VICTORIA